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The chakras are the points of energy on your body that connect to the central nervous system. They are seven major highways for energy to flow from root to crown. The aim is to have all seven chakra points open and unblocked so you can stand in balance, be open to opportunity, and make sure you are thriving and living a life of your highest potential.

For thousands of years, healing crystals have assisted in keeping chakras cleansed and clear for all that energy to flow. As we have spent years immersed in the world of crystals, we have plenty of prior knowledge as to which crystals can work the best in harmony with each individual chakra. Here, we introduce each of the seven chakras and give you a choice of crystals that can help those areas shake loose any stagnant energy and heal.


Check out our Chakra Bracelet here.

The chakras are a system of energy centers in the body, each one corresponding to a specific part of the body. There are seven major energy points in the body that make up the chakras. These points correspond to different areas of our being and help us to connect with our spiritual essence. The term chakra comes from the ancient Sanskrit word for wheel. Perhaps a simple way of looking at chakras is to consider them similar to satellites - they pick up signals from the universe and transmute those messages into physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

When we are constantly absorbing information, energies, and messages, some of our chakras can become blocked over time. Chakras are energy centers located in the body and they are responsible for balancing our system. When our chakras are blocked this can interrupt the flow of energy and can lead to an imbalance in our system which can have a negative effect on our spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Crystals have a unique vibrational energy that can shift things around inside and charge our own systems to find a clear and full flush once more. Not only do crystals actively get to work on clearing blocks but they also help you to live intentionally, reconnect to your body, mind, and soul, hold space for your sense of wellbeing and the wonders of the universe. Pain and trauma and negative energy can all course through our body alongside joy and depth and understanding too. Crystals can help us to spring clean these systems and make sure that we keep our inner house in harmony.

There are several ways you can use chakra crystals to cleanse your system..

  • Wearing crystal jewelry - having stones in direct contact with the skin is one of the easiest and most effective ways for those healing vibrations to get to work on the chakras.
  • Meditating with crystals - placing a corresponding crystal on the chakra area that feels blocked and letting yourself fall into a mindful meditation practice can be a powerful way of intentionally clearing that space.
  • Sleeping with crystals - pop the crystal of choice beneath your pillow when you sleep and let the powerful vibrations seep through as you set yourself up with subconscious intention. 


The root chakra is our ultimate foundational chakra, and it's responsible for our feelings around safety and stability. It sits at the base of our spine, and is associated with the colors of red or black. This is the chakra that keeps us grounded and feeling secure no matter what is going on around us. When our root chakra is open, we are less likely to feel overwhelmed or off-kilter both emotionally and physically. This chakra is also linked to the colon, bladder, and lower vertebrates. Crystals that suit the root chakra are dark red or black and tend to have earthly vibes and protective powers.

Signs of an unbalanced root chakra can be being anxious, depressed, fearful, unable to keep boundaries or hold true to willpower, low immune system, and feeling untethered.

Signs of a balanced root chakra can be feeling stable, rational thinking, positive mindset, and high energy.

  • Black Obsidian - a shield against harm anchoring us in safety
  • Smoky Quartz - a grounding stone that helps clear the smoke
  • Hematite - a rooting stone that cleanses
  • Red Pyrope Garnet - a cleansing crystal that purifies
  • Black Tourmaline - a protective stone that blocks negative energy.
  • Red Jasper - a warm foundational gem that keeps us rooted.
  • Bloodstone - a warrior stone that helps us to stay grounded in our power.


The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with our reproductive organs and the sacrum. It's also where we find our desire, creativity, and sense of self. The color of this chakra is yellow and orange, which indicates a warming energy that nurtures us. This chakra is connected to our physical issues of fertility and emotional understanding of intuition and desire. It's also connected to our spiritual sense of space and joy and happiness. When this chakra is open, we feel more joyful, playful, creative, and know ourselves better than ever before! Crystals that suit this chakra are soft shades of orange or yellow—they have feminine or fun earthly energy.

Signs of an unbalanced sacral chakra can be being overly emotionally sensitive, controlling, withdrawn, low or overactive libido, tense, and inability to let go and feel joy.

Signs of a balanced sacral chakra can be being energetic, passionate, creative, sensual, and gentle.

  • Moonstone - full of feminine energy and fertility
  • Selenite - vibrating with big energy and sweet serenity
  • Calcite - energized and brimming with passion
  • Carnelian - a fiery force of creativity and vitality
  • Imperial Topaz - rich in creativity and a mega manifestation tool
  • Agate - earthly energy and physical strength
  • Spessartine - the garnet of the sun for kundalini awakening


If you're like most people, you probably don't even know where your solar plexus chakra is. But if you could get there, you'd be rewarded with the knowledge that it's home to one of the most important parts of your personality—your warrior spirit! The third chakra is in the upper abdomen just below the breastbone in the center of your body. It's associated with bright and sunny colors like yellow and gold. The solar plexus chakra is associated with our personal power, our intellect, our ambition, and how we physically and emotionally hold space for ourselves. When our solar plexus chakra is open, we feel in control of our life and as though we are the driver of our decisions. We are also less likely to slip into negative self-talk as we feel confident and assured. This chakra is connected to our energy levels—the more open it is, the higher your energy will be! Crystals that suit this particular energy level are bright and sunny—with a little bit of golden sparkle thrown in for good measure!

Signs of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra can be low confidence, poor digestion, anxiety, lack of motivation, and insecurity.

Signs of a balanced solar plexus chakra can be feeling empowered, being confident, following your gut, a healthy immune system, and being motivated.

  • Sapphire - divine grace, knowledge, and power
  • Jade - puts you back in the driving seat of your own lucky life
  • Tiger’s Eye - oozing with confidence and mental clarity
  • Citrine - sunny abundance and pure optimism
  • Topaz - harmony and hospitality strengthen your sense of being
  • Jasper - protection, inner strength and sublime clarity


The heart chakra is the center of our connection with others and ourselves. It doesn't just deal with our relations with others, but also helps us to shape and sit comfortably in the way we love ourselves. The heart chakra is found in the center of the chest - the heart space of the body. It is associated with the colors green and pink. The heart chakra is connected to our connection, compassion, and ways in which we can give and receive love from others and ourselves. When our heart chakra is open, we are able to live a full-hearted and joyous life without falling into traps of fear, jealousy, and self-destructive patterns. This chakra is connected with our chest and heart physically as well as emotionally. Crystals that suit the heart chakra are soft and loving and rich in compassion.

Signs of an unbalanced heart chakra can be negative self-imagery, mistrust of others, jealousy, quick to judgement, and circulation issues or respiratory issues.

Signs of a balanced heart chakra can be compassion, empathy, self-love, inner peace, ability to forgive, and healthy blood pressure and circulation.

  • Rose Quartz - pure love and self-compassion
  • Malachite - transformation and positive change
  • Green Aventurine - optimism and pure heart opening
  • Amazonite - deep knowledge and divine guidance


The throat chakra is located just above the collarbone, in the neck. It is associated with the color blue. The throat chakra deals with articulation, communication, and helps us to voice needs and boundaries and become an advocate for ourselves. An open throat chakra will help us to live in the light of our own truth. This chakra is also connected with physical issues to do with the throat and larynx as well as sinus and thyroid problems. Crystals that suit the throat chakra have gentle and thoughtful energy and a sense of purity and flow. The throat chakra is often blocked when a person finds themselves unable to speak their truth or when they feel trapped by what others expect from them—for example if they feel pressure from their parents or family members to do something but do not know how to express this in a way that makes sense for them (or vice versa). This can manifest as feeling misunderstood or unheard by those around you - perhaps even shutting yourself down or withdrawing from people who might help you find your voice again (such as friends or a therapist).

Signs of an unbalanced throat chakra can be the inability to express yourself, sore throat, not able to keep healthy boundaries, inability to listen, often feel misunderstood.

Signs of a balanced throat chakra can be speaking your truth without fear, decisive action, ease of communication with others, and active listening skills.

  • Angelite - soothing and peaceful energy so you can speak your truth
  • Aquamarine - truth, trust, letting go and saying yes to the flow
  • Blue Lace Agate - creativity and communication


The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra—the gateway to all our inner wisdom, intuition, and psychic abilities. This is where we get in touch with our deepest inner selves, tapping into those psychic powers and spiritual awareness. The third eye sits in the center of the forehead, just above the eyebrows. It's associated with the color of indigo or purplish-blue. Being a bridge between the throat and crown chakras, it's the channel of truth and vision. An open third eye chakra can help us with clarity, understanding, trusting our gut instincts, and looking inward for all the answers and guidance we need. This chakra is connected to our thought processes and eyes, ears, spinal cord and neurological health. Crystals that suit this chakra have high vibrations and intuitive powers.

Signs of an unbalanced third eye chakra can be poor vision, distrust in your own decisions, lack of creativity, and inability to focus.

Signs of a balanced third eye chakra can be imagination, intuition, clarity, depth of inner wisdom, and trust in one’s own thoughts.

  • Sodalite - clarity, concentration, and a surge of focused energy
  • Purple fluorite - protection, dreams, and moving past spiritual discontent
  • Lapis Lazuli - deep wisdom, truth, and judgement
  • Azurite - inner strength, psychic powers, and balanced emotion
  • Blue Apatite - manifestation and expansion of knowledge


The crown chakra is the highest of the seven chakras. It's our pinnacle of being and enlightenment, where we find our connection with the universe and its cosmic greatness. This chakra is associated with golden-white and violet colors, which represent perfection and purity. An open crown chakra can help us find our place in the world and see the bigger picture; it also helps us to find our feet in spiritual practice and opens us up to the gifts and messages that the universe has for us. This chakra is connected to a sense of purpose, our spiritual well-being, and our feelings of satisfaction. Crystals that suit this chakra are vessels for the highest vibrations and are master healers. Whatever your experience with the crown chakra is, one thing is clear: it's where we find our highest level of being. This is where we connect to our own innate power and brilliance as well as the universe itself. It's where our energy is at its most powerful, our connection to self-expression is at its most refined, and our ability to use others' energy is at its most potent.

Signs of an unbalanced crown chakra can be confusion, headaches, insomnia, feeling directionless or pointless, nightmares, and loss of a spiritual sense of being.

Signs of a balanced crown chakra can be clarity, wisdom, feeling spiritually connected, acceptance and lucid dreaming.

  • Labradorite - dreams, wisdom, and accessing higher portals
  • Amethyst - sublime serenity, aura enhancement, and easing headaches
  • Clear Quartz - the master healer, this gem is the ultimate amplifier
  • Selenite - rejuvenation and connecting with angel realms


Our chakras are energy centers that, when out of alignment, can cause a wide range of issues, including physical pain and emotional tension. It is completely normal for our chakras to slip out of alignment or become blocked - this is all just a part of the human experience. However, this doesn’t mean that we have to simply stay blocked but that we find our own practices that encourage us to listen to our bodies and minds and to do what we can to bring ourselves back into harmony.

Crystal healing is a simple yet powerful method of healing the body, mind, and emotions. By wearing crystals that resonate with your chakras or placing stones on your chakras, you are setting an intention for cleansing those areas of your body. This can be done by having the crystal be placed on the corresponding area of your body or by simply wearing a crystal.

What is your relationship to your chakras? Do you feel open and aligned or do you hold awareness for where there may be blockages? Which healing stones call to you to help bring your physical body, emotional mind, and gorgeous soul into alignment?